Joy in Jesus: Fixing Our Eyes on Him | Object Lesson

Joy is not just a feeling, it’s a deep sense of gladness and delight that comes from knowing and experiencing God’s goodness. And who better to fix our eyes on than Jesus, the source of true joy? When we focus on Jesus, we’re reminded of his love, his grace, and his power to transform our lives.

To cultivate joy in Jesus, we can spend time with him in prayer and study of the Bible, choose to focus on the good things God is doing in our lives, serve others in Jesus’ name, and worship and praise God regularly. When we make JOY a priority in our lives, we can trust that God will fill us with his joy and peace.

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Object Lesson on True Joy: Finding Happiness in the Lord

This object lesson on true joy uses a candle and a balloon to demonstrate that joy comes from having a relationship with the Lord and is not dependent on external factors. By engaging children or students in a discussion and hands-on activity, parents and teachers can help them understand the importance of focusing on Jesus and experiencing authentic joy. Using this object lesson can be a valuable tool in Christian education and Bible study.

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Developing a Stronger Connection with God Through Prayer

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find time to connect with God. However, it is essential to make time for prayer and listening to God’s voice to develop a stronger relationship with Him. Parents can teach their children about the importance of listening to God’s voice through an object lesson activity. To further assist with prayer, there are several resources available, such as the Abide App,, and PrayerBowls. We also recommend watching Dr. Stanley’s sermon, “A Strong Life,” which provides insights into how we can develop a stronger connection with God. Finally, we encourage families to pray together and ask for discerning hearts that can hear God’s voice. Let us make time for prayer and listen to God’s voice so that we may develop a stronger relationship with Him.

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The Power of Soft Words: Teaching Children About Gentle Communication

In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon imparted many wise teachings on how to live a good life. One of the verses that have always stood out to me is Proverbs 15:1, which says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This verse highlights the importance of using soft words and gentle communication to avoid conflicts and anger. 

As parents, it is our duty to teach our children the value of communication and how our words can impact others. However, sometimes it can be hard to explain this concept to young children in a way that they can understand. That’s why I devised a fun activity to teach my children about the power of soft words. 

Read on to learn how you can use this activity to help your children become more mindful of their words and communicate in a gentle and respectful manner.

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Teaching Kindness with Toothpaste: An Object Lesson on the Power of Words

Teaching children the importance of kindness and using words wisely is critical in today’s world. We all know how much hurtful words can hurt and how much a kind word can heal. That’s where this object lesson comes in! Using toothpaste, we can demonstrate to children the power of words and how they can either heal and encourage or make a mess and hurt others. Based on the Biblical wisdom of Proverbs, this lesson emphasizes character development and encourages children to use their words to uplift and encourage others. By teaching children the value of kindness, we can help create a world filled with love and positivity.

As a parent, it can be disheartening to hear your children say hurtful things to each other. It’s easy to feel guilty and wonder where you went wrong. But rather than getting caught up in the negativity, it’s important to be proactive and teach children the value of kindness.

In this object lesson, we use toothpaste to demonstrate how words can have the power of life or death, as Proverbs 12:18 tells us. Toothpaste, like words, can either heal and encourage or make a mess and hurt others. We want to use our words to bring joy and comfort to those around us.

To demonstrate this concept, we can give children tubes of toothpaste and ask them to squirt the toothpaste onto a plate while thinking of hurtful things they might say to someone. Then, we ask them to try and put the toothpaste back in the tube with a Q-tip. They’ll quickly realize it’s impossible, just like how hurtful words cannot be taken back.

The lesson emphasizes that we want our words to be life-giving, just like toothpaste keeps our mouths healthy. As Proverbs 16:24 tells us, pleasant words are like a honeycomb, bringing sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. We want to be known for our gentleness and compassion and use our words to uplift and encourage those around us.

Teaching children the importance of kindness and using our words wisely can help create a world filled with love and positivity.

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