Spread Positivity and Encouragement with Painted Rocks

Looking for a fun and easy way to bring some positivity and encouragement into your community? Try painting rocks with inspirational messages and leaving them in public places for others to find. This simple and creative activity can have a big impact on those who find the rocks, and can be a great way to spread the love of Jesus and teach your children about intentional kindness. Check out rock messages to use on your rocks and start spreading positivity today!

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Joy in Jesus: Fixing Our Eyes on Him | Object Lesson

Joy is not just a feeling, it’s a deep sense of gladness and delight that comes from knowing and experiencing God’s goodness. And who better to fix our eyes on than Jesus, the source of true joy? When we focus on Jesus, we’re reminded of his love, his grace, and his power to transform our lives.

To cultivate joy in Jesus, we can spend time with him in prayer and study of the Bible, choose to focus on the good things God is doing in our lives, serve others in Jesus’ name, and worship and praise God regularly. When we make JOY a priority in our lives, we can trust that God will fill us with his joy and peace.

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Teaching Kids the Value of Wisdom: A Fun Bible Verse Memory Challenge

Teaching our children the value of wisdom is an important part of intentional parenting. One fun and engaging way to do this is through a Bible verse memory challenge. This week, we’re focusing on Proverbs 3:13-15, which reminds us that wisdom is more valuable than silver, gold, or rubies. By participating in this challenge, we can help our children build good habits and values, while also strengthening our family bond and faith. So why not give it a try and see what amazing things your children can achieve when they have the power of wisdom on their side!

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Intentional Loving: How to Teach Your Kids about Health and Respect for Our Bodies with DIY Crafts

As parents, we want the best for our children, and that includes teaching them about the importance of taking care of their bodies. By involving them in DIY crafts you can make it a fun and educational experience that they will remember for years to come. And by using natural ingredients and teaching them about the importance of taking care of our bodies because of Jesus, you can instill in them a lifelong respect for their bodies and the temple of the Holy Spirit.

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DIY Guide: How to Make Oobleck at Home

Looking for a fun and easy DIY project to do at home? Why not make Oobleck! This gooey substance is perfect for kids and adults alike, and it’s super easy to make with just a few ingredients you probably already have in your pantry. In this guide, we’ll show you step-by-step how to make Oobleck and give you some tips on how to play with it. So, let’s get started!

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Join the Adventure: Scavenger Hunt at the Park, Picnic, and Splash Pad!

Looking for a fun and engaging outdoor activity for the whole family? Why not try our scavenger hunt at the park, picnic, and splash pad! This exciting adventure includes a list of tasks and items to find, from hugging the largest tree in the park to finding a feather and taking a picture of it. With a mix of easy and challenging tasks, this scavenger hunt will boost your creativity, problem-solving skills, and offer a great opportunity for bonding. So, grab your friends and family, head to the park, and join the adventure!

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Keep Your Kids Engaged and Your Sanity Intact with Sunflower Summer: A Guide for Intentional Kansas Parents

Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and making memories with your family. But as parents, we know that it can also be a challenging time. Keeping kids entertained and engaged while also juggling work and other responsibilities can be tough. That’s where Sunflower Summer comes in. This program is designed to help families get out, explore, and learn together. With over 90 attractions across Kansas, there’s something for everyone. The best part? It’s free! All you need to do is download the Sunflower Summer app and start exploring. So, Kansas parents, let Sunflower Summer help you keep your kids engaged and your sanity intact this summer.

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Kids Bowl Free: Keep Your Kids Active and Entertained All Summer Long

Are you looking for a fun and affordable activity to keep your kids entertained this summer? Look no further than Kids Bowl Free! This program offers two free games of bowling every day for kids, all summer long. Not only is it a great way to beat the heat, but bowling is an excellent way to stay active and develop hand-eye coordination. Plus, it’s a fun activity that the whole family can enjoy together.

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